Friday, December 19, 2008


It's Winter here in Mb.. well, not officially - not for a couple more days... but at this point, really... it's here. Like a relative that says she'll be here at 7, but shows up at 5 to "beat the rush."

There's a "Colorado" Low heading into Ontario. You'd think it was a disaster of all time. Pictures are popping up on a local chat sight of the "storm" and all I can do is laugh. It's all over the news, the weather channel. Schools are being cancelled. Schools are being let out early.

You know what? That is our weather here in Manitoba. It sucks, don't get me wrong. But while it's another day for Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and parts of Alberta, it's a complete disaster for Ontario.

Our days like that, never ever make the news. We never have school canceled... never.

Yeah.. I don't envy them. No one wants a storm.. (I'm glad it's not hitting here), but it isn't such a big deal.. it's snow, it's winter. Stay home, watch TV, nothing is worth it to get out and drive in it, and then when it's over, get on your coats and boots and shovel it. Think of it as good exercise, a way to get some much needed family time -- FRESH AIR (whats left of it that Ontario has) and enjoy it. But, do you neighborly duty, and help those that can't as well. Shovel out your elderly neighbors!!!

One lesson I learned -- If you don't get out and play in it, you will turn into a grumpy, whiny old person very quickly.

So, bring on the snow - Summer comes early to you then here... It will be 6 months before we see grass - You all will see it like in March... Hang in there. It's always good to experience how other people live. :)

What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!!!