I woke up today to white stuff. It was everywhere. Dang blasted stuff. This is my front steps.. looking down. At 7:09pm, they are still not shoveled.
Here is my walkway.. still not shoveled at 7:11pm and I don't give a woohoo. See where that red car is? That is the location of the big puddle. Now iced over. But you can't see the ice, but it's snowed over now.
Today, since all the kids were in school - My hubby and I decided to take the opportunity to go on a lunch date. Eating together, sans kids. So, I rushed out to get my youngest to preschool. And I find my van battery dead. It takes both my husband and I a good 20 minutes to extricate dd's car seat from the van and put it into his car. Dear hubby, tells me to just take her to school and come back to get him. Off we go. I cursed the city of Winnipeg for their not so excellent plowing... I go slow, steady. And up I go into the back lane of the preschool, to the "new" spot. And I get stuck. NOOOOOOooooooooo I scream in my head. This can NOT happen again! At least, there was hope this time... this was just snow. I spent a good 10 minutes, going back and forth, reverse, drive, reverse, drive... I get out and kick snow around... get back in. Finally I get the car moving and I run my daughter into her class. 30 minutes later, I return home.
My husband has a puzzled look on his face, and asked... "what took you so long?" I laughed, tell him the whole story... and off we go. :) We had a marvelous lunch. This is the 2nd date we've had this week.. spoiling ourselves I think!! :) We better be careful, or we may get addicted to this romance stuff!!! We may actually start to think we are childless adults! Nawww.... unfortunately the school bells start to ring, startling us into reality.
The snow continues to pile up. No one here seems to mind. While waiting for a tow truck to come and boost the van's battery, and while I let the van run for 30 minutes, I dug snow. I moved snow... I huffed and puffed and quietly cried inside. "why me? why me?" I started to hate friends that were leaving for warm climates. It's their fault you know. But the cars can now get out without getting stuck. I moved hundreds of pounds of snow. But the front though. It's a mess. And I know the mailman will hate me now. I think he used to love me. I know he loved me. I was nice to him. I am wondering what he thinks happened? If he did something wrong? Sigh.
I don't want to shovel anymore. I don't. I quit. I'm not doing it anymore. This OCD thing is not for me. It bugs me... but I'm too exhausted - aka lazy - to even care. And I have 4 children who can shovel.. o.k. 2 really.. and 11 and 9 - yeah, they are more than capable... but they aren't budging... I think, they think if they are real quiet and don't make a sound, mom won't notice them... but this one will no doubt beg for a ride in the morning - because 1, there's too much snow, and 2, he's brilliant student, but not so brilliant in survival skills.. wear boots? whaaaa?????