Friday, May 7, 2010

so what!

Yeah, I didn't get into blog gear.. didn't start pumping out words... I just didn't.

Truth be told it was a rotten Winter. It felt long. It felt cold.

January brought us all the flu. blah. That wasn't fun.

February brought many hospital visits for my youngest. Her one kidney is bigger than the other and she is still going through testing to find out why. A big renal ultrasound is coming up in July. Her pediatrician ordered another one. But I'm not worried. I will worry if he refers her to a kidney doc... then I will worry.

Spring came early for us. Warm days and no rain. We even had a "no burn" advisory for awhile. Then came the rain and the cold.. and it hasn't really stopped for 2 weeks now.

Lice found my children and myself. That wasn't fun at all. It's rather gross.

And that is life here in the northern prairie city of Winnipeg. For the time being anyways...