Friday, May 7, 2010

so what!

Yeah, I didn't get into blog gear.. didn't start pumping out words... I just didn't.

Truth be told it was a rotten Winter. It felt long. It felt cold.

January brought us all the flu. blah. That wasn't fun.

February brought many hospital visits for my youngest. Her one kidney is bigger than the other and she is still going through testing to find out why. A big renal ultrasound is coming up in July. Her pediatrician ordered another one. But I'm not worried. I will worry if he refers her to a kidney doc... then I will worry.

Spring came early for us. Warm days and no rain. We even had a "no burn" advisory for awhile. Then came the rain and the cold.. and it hasn't really stopped for 2 weeks now.

Lice found my children and myself. That wasn't fun at all. It's rather gross.

And that is life here in the northern prairie city of Winnipeg. For the time being anyways...

Monday, December 7, 2009

December 7, 2009

You know, so far not much snow around here. There's a dusting on the ground, but no where near the amount there should be. I'm not complaining. I haven't had to shovel yet. I'm still wearing a pull-over sweater. I did buy boots. Now the regular Winter boot - but a styling kind of boots.. sort of like an Ug. They warm my feet though :) I have yet to wear a hat or even gloves (although gloves will be donned soon - should be already).

And yes, technically it is still Autumn. We've been spared one storm already. And another is approaching but will be too far south to impact us much. I checked the weather map and seems as if a storm is heading our way for Sunday with a mere 5-10 cm of snow forecasted.

My dream of a snowless Winter won't happen this year. Unless I win the lottery and fly to Hawaii. But it sure has been a nice break so far :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

kick start

It's time to kick start this blog into something other than pee paper for puppies.

stay tuned....

Sunday, August 2, 2009

It's August!

Wow, time flies. You can guess I've been taking time off the computer (blogging) to enjoy summer - or what there is of summer here.

I spent 20 days on the road traveling with my family. My children travel well. They have their moments, but hey - considering we had 12-14 hours in a van, they did extremely well. And, considering we supplied them with movies and video games.. that helped all the more. We had a few "pull over to the side of the road" episodes where we explained (through gritted teeth) the importance of quiet and not fighting, so not to "distract the driver."

My kids saw and played in the ocean for the first time. They took to it like they have been in it every day of their lives. Quite amazing! Even my husband, who born and raised in the centre of the world really didn't have much ocean experience. I hemmed and hawed at the importance of watching the children. Making sure they understood the currents and what they can do. My husband learned that when the tide comes in, that it's important to pack the towels and such - up along the dunes... He and the girls came back to a drenched site one day. I spent time trying to find "sand glass." I never found any. Instead I spent the time awwwing over the smooth flat rocks the ocean spit out.

I also got to IKEA 2x's. It's amazing to actually go to IKEA twice in the same week. Simply amazing. And I did it in two separate cities, many miles apart. And I didn't spend more than $100. My husband doesn't quite understand IKEA. He went with me on the 2nd trip. He was confused. He tried to find an exit - and for those of you that know - there is no exit! You must go through each section.. follow the arrow.

We came home to a jungle in my backyard. It was beyond insane. Like up to my knees insane. And to make matters worse - I think it rained 95% of the time we were gone! So, it was a jungle of wet grass. My lawnmower spit. It did not like the grass. It refused to put the grass in it's baggy attachment, instead - spitting it out in clumps. It was a horrible looking grass. Just horrible. It's looking a bit better now. A bit.

Since we've been back, it's rained 95% of the time. Sigh. The temperatures have been way below normal. In fact - we are saving so much electricity. I can't remember the last time we used our a/c. Normally - that a/c would be running nonstop. And.. kicking my kids outside brings cries of "it's tooo cold!" instead of "it's too hot!"

So, I've been spending time redecorating my house - or adding some kind of decorating. I just got two new area rugs. Looks great. I think. I lose all self esteem when it comes to decorating. I worry what "people will think." I must remember - IT'S MY HOME AND MY COMFORT. Sigh. I have a ways to go.

I've also focused on getting my daughter ready for back-to-school. She's about done, clothes wise. I haven't so much on the boys. They are done with Please Mum, and Gymboree.. and Sears and Walmart... they want speciality clothing. Speciality clothing really costs a lot! And rarely on sale. Rarely. Sigh. But I must accept the fact that they are growing up and into new things. And instill in them that I won't spend $100 on a pair of pants - I at least should see a shirt in for that price!!! Maybe two! And for God's sake... a sale would be nice!

And normally, I am not a back-to-school clothing kind of person. I usually buy clothes as they need them. And buying warm clothes in the middle of summer is useless - no one wants to try it on and they can't wear them until October (otherwise they will boil in them in the air-conditionless schools). But since it's so below average temperature wise - it's been rather easy to put my mind into clothes shopping. Still unlike me. I do prefer the wait until they need idea... ah well. Blame it on the sales and the weather.

Tomorrow is my 13th anniversary. Yes, my husband I made it 13 years. Doing o.k. Some bumpy roads, lots of learning to communicate and accepting each others faults - but the love is still there. Still lots to learn (mainly on my part). I realized this yesterday that I really didn't know what my husband was into. I walked the mall trying to find something for him. Deciding on a game. He's into warhammer, catan such games, etc. It's all every confusing to me, and all very uninteresting. I've tried to understand.. I've tried. I even went so far as to ask him "what would you like for your anniversary?" And I didn't get any reply. Just a shrug. So, I had to call his friend. A good friend. Who probably hung up the phone and shook his head. Wondering where Darryl went wrong, marrying someone with zero interest in his interests. His wife probably knows what he wants for birthdays and anniversaries. Although he may verbally let her know too. Really none of my business. But my husband can never say I don't put in any effort to getting him a gift. I walk hours on end, hemming and hawing - drag kids with me and we all hem and haw - and then I call friends. "Help!"

So, 13 years. And you know - I can almost guarantee he is out somewhere right now hemming and hawing over me. Because I refuse clothing. And what I wanted, I no longer want anymore (as earlier in Walmart we were looking at Ipods - to replace the one that was stolen) and I told him that I really didn't want the Itouch anymore that it was useless for me and he really uses this stuff more than I do - so go get what would work for him thingy) I think I heard him scream silently to himself.


Here's to many more anniversary shopping experiences to come!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


5K is what I walked today. Not bad after a very long Winter.

The snow has long gone. Yah, Mother Nature has fooled us a few times .. more like teased us with flurries... I've officially banned the word "snow" from this house as a naughty four letter word. My children love to taunt me with it. They don't understand. One day, I'll be retired down south.. in a nice warm state or country. And I'll call my lovely oh so darling children and ask how they are doing... and I'll make sure to check the weather for the area they live in... and I'll call them... and tell them how nice and hot it is where I am!!!! Yeah.. that will teach them to use that four letter word around me. Revenge is Sweet.

I raked today too. Sort of mulched or something the grass.. I have no clue what I am doing.. all I know, is I raked up dead grass. It's in a pile. Because I raked up garbage too. And at the ripe old age of 42, I figured my back wasn't going to let me bend to pick them up. And I had a light bulb moment - I have 4 children!!! WOOHOO!

They don't know it yet - but that is what we will do tomorrow :D

I will not be "Mother of the Year" tomorrow.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I woke up today to white stuff. It was everywhere. Dang blasted stuff. This is my front steps.. looking down. At 7:09pm, they are still not shoveled.

Here is my walkway.. still not shoveled at 7:11pm and I don't give a woohoo. See where that red car is? That is the location of the big puddle. Now iced over. But you can't see the ice, but it's snowed over now.

And this lovely couple. They had the foresight to bring an umbrella. They make standing in the middle of a snowstorm so romantic. pfff.

Today, since all the kids were in school - My hubby and I decided to take the opportunity to go on a lunch date. Eating together, sans kids. So, I rushed out to get my youngest to preschool. And I find my van battery dead. It takes both my husband and I a good 20 minutes to extricate dd's car seat from the van and put it into his car. Dear hubby, tells me to just take her to school and come back to get him. Off we go. I cursed the city of Winnipeg for their not so excellent plowing... I go slow, steady. And up I go into the back lane of the preschool, to the "new" spot. And I get stuck. NOOOOOOooooooooo I scream in my head. This can NOT happen again! At least, there was hope this time... this was just snow. I spent a good 10 minutes, going back and forth, reverse, drive, reverse, drive... I get out and kick snow around... get back in. Finally I get the car moving and I run my daughter into her class. 30 minutes later, I return home.

My husband has a puzzled look on his face, and asked... "what took you so long?" I laughed, tell him the whole story... and off we go. :) We had a marvelous lunch. This is the 2nd date we've had this week.. spoiling ourselves I think!! :) We better be careful, or we may get addicted to this romance stuff!!! We may actually start to think we are childless adults! Nawww.... unfortunately the school bells start to ring, startling us into reality.

The snow continues to pile up. No one here seems to mind. While waiting for a tow truck to come and boost the van's battery, and while I let the van run for 30 minutes, I dug snow. I moved snow... I huffed and puffed and quietly cried inside. "why me? why me?" I started to hate friends that were leaving for warm climates. It's their fault you know. But the cars can now get out without getting stuck. I moved hundreds of pounds of snow. But the front though. It's a mess. And I know the mailman will hate me now. I think he used to love me. I know he loved me. I was nice to him. I am wondering what he thinks happened? If he did something wrong? Sigh.

I don't want to shovel anymore. I don't. I quit. I'm not doing it anymore. This OCD thing is not for me. It bugs me... but I'm too exhausted - aka lazy - to even care. And I have 4 children who can shovel.. o.k. 2 really.. and 11 and 9 - yeah, they are more than capable... but they aren't budging... I think, they think if they are real quiet and don't make a sound, mom won't notice them... but this one will no doubt beg for a ride in the morning - because 1, there's too much snow, and 2, he's brilliant student, but not so brilliant in survival skills.. wear boots? whaaaa?????

Monday, March 23, 2009


Today I spent 2 hours stuck in a hole. A hole that ate 1/2 my tire.

The snow is melting rapidly here. It's warm and raining. So, when I parked my van outside the preschool, I parked by a rain gutter. That rain gutter was spewing water.. which softened the ice I was on.

As I parked, I noticed my van going forward. Odd. It was in park.. what was going on?

What was happening was that my car was being sucked into weak ice. Dragged below into the mud that lay beneath. I tried to get out, but was was just spitting sludge up against the building.

I sat there and panicked for a bit. Not sure what to do. I used to have a sticker on my window for road side assistance, but it mysteriously disappeared. My husband canceled the "onstar" a few months back (dang him).

So, I called my dealership. Because I never throw anything away, I still had the book in the van with my agent's name in it. I called the main number and the receptionist forwarded me to the repair section (I'm sure there is a proper name for it, but it escapes me!!) I tell them what was going on and he says he'll call me back. I'm sure he was laughing his arse off!

He calls back and gives me the number to road side assistance. I call and that lady sends out help, but tells me it would be a 75 minute wait. Did I have a warm place to go? Was there a "Tim Horton's" near by?

I told her, I guess I could sit inside, not sure though and no, I was no where near any restaurant. I wasn't sure about turning on the van, because I was so deep down into the hole, I didn't know if it was safe at that point.

Bless her heart, took pity and put a rush on the order. I sat in the van and waited. I felt my left foot start to freeze up and I just sat there.. like an idiot.

The tow truck driver came just over an hour later. He was a nice fellow, who had a smirk of laughter on his face.. he wasn't smug, just I really did get the van in a pickle!!!

He assured me that this has been happening a lot.. (I didn't believe him!)

He looks at the van, and then turns to me and says.. "you know you back wheel is flat, eh?" Ugh.. yeah. Monday is not my day apparently. Actually, my friend, not 45 minutes earlier, pulled up beside me, while I was stuck in the hole. She burst out laughing when she saw my almost flat back tire.

It takes the man a good 20 minutes or so to get the van out. He tried to pull it out, but it wasn't budging. That tire wasn't going to move, if a building fell on it. So, he takes out his jack and raises the car way up high... I'm thinking... great, he's gonna tip the van over.

He took out a bunch of wood.. starts piling it under the van like... takes it out, tries another position. A neighbor comes up and finds some wood in his garage... so they fill the hole with all this wood... slowly move the van on top of it.. and drive backwards.

My van is free.


And because my van is still low mileage, it's still covered under road side assistance. woohppeee! I didn't have to pay a dime. Which was good, because I didn't have any money on me at all!!!

My friend and I decided that our parking spot behind the preschool just wasn't a good option for us anymore. We are parking elsewhere now. Away from rain gutters. Off of ice and flowing water.

We are now parking behind a church. The good lord will look down upon us and watch over our vans. I hope he watches over my back tire as well. I went to fill it up, and I had no clue!! I got air into it, but not sure how much... there is this thing called a tired gauge that if you use it will tell you -- but unless someone shows you, it's absolutely useless. My friend has one in her car that her husband insisted she have. Problem is, she doesn't know how to use it either!!!

Now, I bet if I still had "onstar" they would have told me how to use it!! LOLOL I also wonder if I had to wait just as long as well? Or would "onstar" automatically come on and say "hello, this is onstar, we've noticed you've got yourself into a pickle "


And .. the topic of my post.. "never leave home without it"

And that would be my camera. Because that would have been a GREAT photo to share. Because this is what life is like in the Spring time: big puddles, melting snow, melting ice.

And if I was really clued into it - I would have remembered my cellphone had a camera... yeah...