Monday, December 7, 2009

December 7, 2009

You know, so far not much snow around here. There's a dusting on the ground, but no where near the amount there should be. I'm not complaining. I haven't had to shovel yet. I'm still wearing a pull-over sweater. I did buy boots. Now the regular Winter boot - but a styling kind of boots.. sort of like an Ug. They warm my feet though :) I have yet to wear a hat or even gloves (although gloves will be donned soon - should be already).

And yes, technically it is still Autumn. We've been spared one storm already. And another is approaching but will be too far south to impact us much. I checked the weather map and seems as if a storm is heading our way for Sunday with a mere 5-10 cm of snow forecasted.

My dream of a snowless Winter won't happen this year. Unless I win the lottery and fly to Hawaii. But it sure has been a nice break so far :)

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