Nothing is more terrifying to a 9 year old, than having to go and get bloodwork done. My 9 year old was just diagnosed with ADHD, without hyperactivity. And as part of the diagnosis to rule out any other stuff, bloodwork was drawn up. The ladies at the clinic were just WONDERFUL! Very calm and worked to get him to relax. It was done very quickly and his trauma will no doubt last the rest of the day (or until the halloween party starts at school).
I have been on the mad rush to prepare for my almosts six year olds birthday party on Sunday. I wonder why I always plan a party right after halloween... next year, I'm waiting a week or two. Toooo much hussle and bussle in the stores. Too crazed. And I always feel bad because these kids are coming off intense sugar highs.. only to come here and ingest 100% sugar from the cake. And I can't send home any loot bags filled with candy, parents might hurt me. But, no loot bags here. We are having a Teddy Bear Tea Party. And I bought each child a Teddy Bear sized T-shirt. They will decorate that. Then it's free play. God help us all.
The kids are very excited about tonight. My 2 year old is Cinderalla, my almost 6'r is a Witch and my 9 year old is Screamer. My 11 year old hasn't a clue. He wants to be a gangsta... wonderful... not.
The weather again has been wonderful today -- high of 7... but I better check again... I think it's warmer than that. The sun is shinning and the air is warm. Life is good in Manitoba.
Weirdly enough, and this is not common Manitoba tradition, but we took our cat socks for a walk last night. Put him on a leash and we walked around the block. Silly cat kept up with us and just took in the experience.. I think he thinks he's part dog. I dunno. I've never seen a cat so excited to go for a walk though. And yeah, it was rather embarassing - we did walk by one family who just looked at us like we stepped off a spaceship. No one else really noticed, it was dark... thank goodness.