Thursday, November 13, 2008


Isn't that great! Today my 9 and 2 year old went to the dentist. It was a good visit and both did very well. My 9 year old who has big time anxiety with the dentist did awesome! They made sure to give him the big time heavy duty sun glasses to wear. Ty has a light sensitivity issue, which usually requires sunglasses and a piece of gauze over his eyes. And he's usually just a nervous fellow. This time, he just lay there and took it all in. Emily, she did just wonderful. They even managed xrays for her! She just layed on the table opened her mouth and watched TV. So relaxed she was.

No cavities for both of them. They have both taken great care of their teeth. Emily made sure the dentist gave her a "Ariel" toothbrush... she talked about that all morning. And we got these cute little flossers... of which, I will let my dh handle.. I honestly can not stand/stomach flossing my kid's teeth. I can brush them, but plucking out guck is just not for me. I know, I'm a bad mom. But that is why I got married to a guy who could stomach these kinds of things, and can pick up, where I left off!!!

Tonight is my 11 year olds very first band concert. He seems excited. I have a gut awful feeling that his white dress shirt does not fit... I should have had him try it on this morning first. He needed a white shirt, black pants and black shoes (with black socks). My... band was expensive.

The weather? WEll, it's currently cloudy and ready to snow. It's warm, so everything is just very slushy. I made the mistake of wearing runners outside.. so my feet are just cold and wet. Eventually, I will get around to changing my socks... for some reason, the call of the blog, lured me here instead.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

When God comes a knocking...

Mom - I know how God wants kids to be born. (from my 6 year old)

God jumps into mom's belly and knocks very very loud.. and the angels join in and knock harder. And this is why having a baby hurts so much.


Makes the whole childbirth thing, sort of reassuring, knowing that God and the Angels are with you.

Hump Day

I had lots to write about today. But the lack of caffeine this morning, has rendered my mind into a heap of fluff.

It was warm enough yesterday that the sun melted a lot of the ice that built up. Well, except for the back walkway. I spent an hour outside chipping away at it.. and that of my neighbours. It's what we do for each other. Makes snow removal more enjoyable, when you share the chore with someone else! (well, especially when they don't live with you!!!)

The girls spent the whole time outside as well. They tried to make snow angels and because there isn't much snow, but ice, they got distracted quite easily. They then decided to run on the ice.. Our backlane seems to have a section of ice in the middle of the road... the water drains down to a drainage hole, some ways down.. but this patch of ice kept them busy for some time. I was a bit worried, heads hit ice hard. But they seemed fine. My youngest seem to detest falling on her butt.. she prefers the whole body fall. Which could come in handy... you should learn to fall with your whole body, as opposed to just parts of your body. Drop and roll. Drop and roll.

It was a good hour outside. Good, fresh air. Rosy cheeks.

We have ice rain heading our way. It's supposed to mix with "rain" and then some "snow." We don't expect much accumulation, if any. It's warm out too!

I just hope whatever happens, it melts the ice on the walkway in the backyard. Otherwise, I will have to put up guardrails to keep people from falling and breaking a hip or something.

Keep safe.

Monday, November 10, 2008



In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders Fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders Fields.
- John McCrae

Grand Forks, North Dakota

Part of what makes some Manitoban's happy, is taking a jaunt over the border to North Dakota. We are fond of Grand Forks. That is where we decided to spend the day. Going down was a fine drive. We got to customs and of course, got the line the moved slower than molasses. I swear, this happens to us every single time. The customs guy talked to us forever. Wanted to know what my husband did for a living, what I did and what could we possibly want with Grand Forks, and for the day at that. We got through 30 minutes later, but only after he (customs dude) lifted the hatch of the minivan. Boy am I glad I cleaned out the mess back there a few weeks back!

We got down to Grand Forks and decided we needed lunch. We stopped at the ever so fabulous "Burger King." I had originally wanted a "sit down and be served" restaurant, but sadly the customs guy really ate into our time.

We then made a made dash to stores like Walmart (which was really a stupid thing to do on a weekend), Target (which is my fav store), Kohls and Hobby Town. I didn't get anything I planned to get, but lots I didn't plan on.

For example - I got a pedi-egg. I've heard great reviews on these. They are here in Winnipeg, I've just never seen them in any of my regular stores. And I got this neat thing that makes Pancake Puffs. Totally an impulse buy!!! I did buy my ever favourite "Kix" cereal. It doesn't sell here in Manitoba. It's one of the few luxuries I demand on every trip south.

We did walk around the Columbia Mall. It was smaller than we thought it would be (we've never been inside before). But my 11 yo picked up a "Texas" hat there.

Back up north we drove. Yes, we had to eat again - this time, it was McDonalds. And I swear I will have to detox my children for two weeks because of the crap we ate yesterday.. ugh!

And we hit the Canadian Border. And once again, pick the line that's moving the slowest. Nothing more aggravating than seeing other cars zoom through. We get through, and of course, we bought too much and have to go and declare it all. We only had to pay like $16 on it all.. not bad.

Next time -- we are spending 24 hours in GF. None of the go down in a day thing. Driving down in the Winter isn't enjoyable. It gets dark pretty early.

AND. We figured after the big storm that South Dakota, North Dakota and Manitoba (same system) there would be more snow in Grand Forks, than here. We were shocked to see that there wasn't any snow!! NONE! But boy, was it bitterly bitterly bitterly cold down there. oye. It's the kind of cold you can feel in your bones. But then again, I was wearing my fall pullover. I wasn't dressed for the weather!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Ice Ice Ice

This is the aftermath of the storm. No, not a lot of snow. But that nice fluffy sticky snow, turned to ice. I was just out there trying to shovel.. impossible. Since everyone has been walking on it, it's packed down nicely. I do hope for some warmer weather to melt it some, and I can go and get the ice up. It's rather slippery out there. Yikes!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Today - it's -2c and with windchill it feels like -9c. We got snow. Not a lot, but it will snow throughout the day,into the morning hours. I suspect we will get about 4 or 5 cms.

My 6 year old did not appreciate her snowpants this morning. They were ugly, and made her look poofy. Oh well. I didn't even bother to tell her that they were boy's snowpants, that would have sent her over the edge. So, unless someone at school mentions it to her, she'll never know. She had to bring knit gloves to school - which will get very wet if she touches the snow. I just don't have waterproof gloves for her just yet. Yeah, I'm a bad mom. My 9 year old double layered this morning and wore his boots (^5 they still fit!!!). He did not wear snowpants (he doesn't have any - but I did try to find him a pair!). But he's good to go and warm! My 11 year old wore runners to school. He has "Outdoor Education" today -- hopefully the teacher will take pity on them! His feet will be wet otherwise. He did wear his jacket today. He complained it had too many layers. Complained while wearing his hoodie. I told him to take off his hoodie and put it in his backpack -- then put it on when he gets to school. He looked at me like my head exploded. Apparently that's not cool? Oh well.

Now, my 2 year old.. JUST LOVES IT. She spent a good amount of time outside playing in it. The snow is new to her and the temperatures are still relatively warm, that it's actually enjoyable.

The snow is also sticky. Now, Manitoba very rarely gets sticky snow - it's usually dry and just blows from one end of the yard to the next. Manitoba kids rarely get to make snowmen and snow forts. I wouldn't be surprised if many yards will don snowmen around the province today!!!

I'm in the Christmas mood as well.. which is VERY ODD for me. Although I live in Canada, I am American. That is where I grew up. I'll post my husband and I's love story one day in the future. But, now, normally I don't "do Christmas" until after the American Thanksgiving and after my youngest birthday (which is Dec 2nd). But, man, I almost want to decorate the house. But I'll hold out. I know I will get tired of it. But this is what happens during the first snowfall.

And it doesn't help that many neighbors and friends have begun hanging their Christmas lights. Here in the prairies, you do this in the late fall - before snow and the bitter temps come in... And the lights get taken down in the springtime... if at all.

So, today I cleaned the house, while my 2 year old watched a Toopy and Binoo movie on the computer. I started the laundry as well... the vent will melt the snow next to the house!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Currently it's 0c and with the windchill, it feels like -8c.

My garage roof is white.

We have a winter storm warning in effect.

We are getting snow... right now it's ice pellets. Sigh. I think the snow found us.

At least we aren't in Deadwood,South Dakota. They got 30 + inches of snow. We were just through there this summer... I'm trying to imagine it all covered in snow.

Our lovely weather system is courtesy of a "Colorado Low"

My house is whistling too. I've no idea why? It's driving me crazy. It is windy outside, so I'm thinking it's blowing in somehow... I thought my igloo was pretty weatherproof, ?

I'll post pictures tomorrow - if there is anything significant in regards to snow.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Six years ago, I forgot to send my mother a birthday card or even a present. I was 9 months pregnant and chasing after a 3 and 5 year old at the time. Life was busy, hectic and exhausting. As I was talking to her, I was apologizing to her about not sending anything. And that maybe she would have a new granddaughter for her birthday. I honestly didn't think it would happen. I really didn't. I felt horribly bad.

On November 4th, I was sitting in a board meeting. We were all sampling pizzas for an upcoming fundraiser for the preschool. That pizza was delish!!! I ate A LOT! I couldn't get enough!!!

Then we moved onto board issues. What goes where, how to do that, will the teachers have a raise this year? What about the Christmas presents this year? I shifted in my seat and heard a pop. I kind of looked at my friend sitting beside me, thinking maybe she tooted or something... but didn't think again, and then I shifted again... and gush. My water had broken!!!! I sat upright, put both my hands on the table and said "OMG, my water just broke!"

Ladies flew everywhere. My good friend, flew to the phone to call my husband. We had worried that this would be a fast delivery and I really didn't want to give birth in an elementary school!

Off to the hospital I went... and 9 hours later, my beautiful little girl came into the world. And it was my mother's birthday.

So, today has always been special. My mom got a special granddaughter to share her birthday with and I was glad to be able to give her that gift.

My little girl is 6 today. 6 years of joy, puzzlement, excitement and curiosity! She has grown into a lovely little lady, that no doubt she will envolve into a lovely young woman one day.

Happy birthday to my Scorpians!


We are jumping for joy here. America has spoke. Thank you America for voting for the right man.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hearing Tests and Halloween Candy

Today my 2 yo and my 9 yo got hearing tests. The Audiologist was very nice and she scored my 9 yo as very good hearing! We ruled any kind of auditory processing disorders and this child is good to go! My 2 yo has too much fluid in her ears. We'll go back in January to get another test done.

After dropping my 9 yo off at school, we (2 yo and I) headed back home.. where I spent a good hour in my yard, mulching leaves. The weather here is +14c.. almost a miracle in Manitoba. So unheard of! We aren't complaining!!!

At some point in the next few minutes, I need to dash out and pick up my almost 6'r birthday presents. Hard to believe this little girl will be 6! Seems like yesterday, I was holding her in my arms. They grow so fast!

And here I sit, munching on halloween candy. We still have a good 90% of it left. It will never disappear. Ever. And I guess it doesn't help that at least 4 of us has had the stomach bug the last few days. No one is wanting to eat much!!!!

Did I mention it was +14c out? The end of the week? Prediction - snow flurries. ugh.

Monday, November 3, 2008

A mother's gift

My daughter had her 6th birthday "party" yesterday. She doesn't officially turn 6 until Wednesday.

My husband came home from work Friday, near death. He kindly passed it onto to me, so when I woke up on Sunday, I knew that things weren't right. Never sure what to expect around here... maybe I had an off night? But as the day wore on, I literally felt death at my door. I'm glad the party was only 2 1/2 hours long.. sooooo glad it was that long.. dh and I probably would have been happier if it was 2 hours. The girls wanted entertaining, and dh and I just could't do that for them. The notion of "free play" was so foreign to them. Just PLAY! (can't you see I'm sick?!) :D

All in all it was a good party.

There should be a rule out there in the universe, that no mom's should be sick during a child's birthday. Here, one of the most important days of a child's life, and their mom looks like she party too long on Halloween. Uhm.. children, you don't mind if I still am dressed like a ghoul, do you?

Happy birthday to my dear little girl. I will feel much better on your actual birthday, I'm sure. :)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

The day after

Wow... we hit the big time last night.. 4 kids and 4 huge bags of candy. Way too much candy, not enough people to eat it.

Kids haven't eaten too much of it. I really limit their intake. But this stuff will last years otherwise... got to think of something to do with it all.