Part of what makes some Manitoban's happy, is taking a jaunt over the border to North Dakota. We are fond of Grand Forks. That is where we decided to spend the day. Going down was a fine drive. We got to customs and of course, got the line the moved slower than molasses. I swear, this happens to us every single time. The customs guy talked to us forever. Wanted to know what my husband did for a living, what I did and what could we possibly want with Grand Forks, and for the day at that. We got through 30 minutes later, but only after he (customs dude) lifted the hatch of the minivan. Boy am I glad I cleaned out the mess back there a few weeks back!
We got down to Grand Forks and decided we needed lunch. We stopped at the ever so fabulous "Burger King." I had originally wanted a "sit down and be served" restaurant, but sadly the customs guy really ate into our time.
We then made a made dash to stores like Walmart (which was really a stupid thing to do on a weekend), Target (which is my fav store), Kohls and Hobby Town. I didn't get anything I planned to get, but lots I didn't plan on.
For example - I got a pedi-egg. I've heard great reviews on these. They are here in Winnipeg, I've just never seen them in any of my regular stores. And I got this neat thing that makes Pancake Puffs. Totally an impulse buy!!! I did buy my ever favourite "Kix" cereal. It doesn't sell here in Manitoba. It's one of the few luxuries I demand on every trip south.
We did walk around the Columbia Mall. It was smaller than we thought it would be (we've never been inside before). But my 11 yo picked up a "Texas" hat there.
Back up north we drove. Yes, we had to eat again - this time, it was McDonalds. And I swear I will have to detox my children for two weeks because of the crap we ate yesterday.. ugh!
And we hit the Canadian Border. And once again, pick the line that's moving the slowest. Nothing more aggravating than seeing other cars zoom through. We get through, and of course, we bought too much and have to go and declare it all. We only had to pay like $16 on it all.. not bad.
Next time -- we are spending 24 hours in GF. None of the go down in a day thing. Driving down in the Winter isn't enjoyable. It gets dark pretty early.
AND. We figured after the big storm that South Dakota, North Dakota and Manitoba (same system) there would be more snow in Grand Forks, than here. We were shocked to see that there wasn't any snow!! NONE! But boy, was it bitterly bitterly bitterly cold down there. oye. It's the kind of cold you can feel in your bones. But then again, I was wearing my fall pullover. I wasn't dressed for the weather!
Home Sweet Home! by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
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