Friday, November 7, 2008

Today - it's -2c and with windchill it feels like -9c. We got snow. Not a lot, but it will snow throughout the day,into the morning hours. I suspect we will get about 4 or 5 cms.

My 6 year old did not appreciate her snowpants this morning. They were ugly, and made her look poofy. Oh well. I didn't even bother to tell her that they were boy's snowpants, that would have sent her over the edge. So, unless someone at school mentions it to her, she'll never know. She had to bring knit gloves to school - which will get very wet if she touches the snow. I just don't have waterproof gloves for her just yet. Yeah, I'm a bad mom. My 9 year old double layered this morning and wore his boots (^5 they still fit!!!). He did not wear snowpants (he doesn't have any - but I did try to find him a pair!). But he's good to go and warm! My 11 year old wore runners to school. He has "Outdoor Education" today -- hopefully the teacher will take pity on them! His feet will be wet otherwise. He did wear his jacket today. He complained it had too many layers. Complained while wearing his hoodie. I told him to take off his hoodie and put it in his backpack -- then put it on when he gets to school. He looked at me like my head exploded. Apparently that's not cool? Oh well.

Now, my 2 year old.. JUST LOVES IT. She spent a good amount of time outside playing in it. The snow is new to her and the temperatures are still relatively warm, that it's actually enjoyable.

The snow is also sticky. Now, Manitoba very rarely gets sticky snow - it's usually dry and just blows from one end of the yard to the next. Manitoba kids rarely get to make snowmen and snow forts. I wouldn't be surprised if many yards will don snowmen around the province today!!!

I'm in the Christmas mood as well.. which is VERY ODD for me. Although I live in Canada, I am American. That is where I grew up. I'll post my husband and I's love story one day in the future. But, now, normally I don't "do Christmas" until after the American Thanksgiving and after my youngest birthday (which is Dec 2nd). But, man, I almost want to decorate the house. But I'll hold out. I know I will get tired of it. But this is what happens during the first snowfall.

And it doesn't help that many neighbors and friends have begun hanging their Christmas lights. Here in the prairies, you do this in the late fall - before snow and the bitter temps come in... And the lights get taken down in the springtime... if at all.

So, today I cleaned the house, while my 2 year old watched a Toopy and Binoo movie on the computer. I started the laundry as well... the vent will melt the snow next to the house!

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