Spring has arrived here. I know, Spring doesn't arrive until March. But today, we are in single digits temperature wise - Yeah, it's in the negative, but still, it's single digits.
I was outside shoveling earlier. We only got a dusting over night, but my OCD can't handle snow on my sidewalk -- although, I will admit, there has been a dusting of snow on my sidewalk for about a week now. But OCD or not, nothing was going to make me go out in -45c temperatures to shovel it. Even I have my limits.
We are hoping to get outside to the hill. It's almost a sin to be inside on days like today.
I have to go shopping later. I hope drivers are in a good mood. Trust me, when it's -45c outside, it's a fend for yourself attitude on the road. No one is smiling.
My son is up at camp. No calls, means good news. I'm sure he is having a blast and enjoying everything. It was weird last night. I was sitting watching TV and definitely something was missing. I wasn't hearing him talk, complain or anything about bedtime. Bullets from his nerf gun didn't fly through the house and hit me. I slept through the night. And when I woke this morning, I forgot he wasn't here. And then I woke completely up, and realized.. "OMG, I have go through another day of this???" My son definitely brings a quirkiness to my life. Without him around, there is a huge void. And whereas I should be enjoying the calmness around us, I miss it. I know he is having a blast. It's warmer for him! (He is not one for cold).
Spring... it's like have a little skip to my walk. I can feel spring, even though it's not for 2 more months... even though we'll shoot down to sub zero temperatures in a week... or a few days.
Home Sweet Home! by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago