Thursday, January 8, 2009

Packing for Camp

It's interesting. Here, we have Winter camp. I guess, if you can't beat the snow, you might as well go camping in it! My son is going way to camp soon. And the item list that we need is just crazy. I know they want us to pack on the errrrr of caution. After all, these are 9 year old boys.

Being a good mom, I ordered him from Sears a pair of long johns. Bravo... (are you standing and applauding?) I didn't have to rush around and get him what he needed... got it early, no stress.

Well, guess what? He needs 2 pairs of long johns and 2 thermal shirts!!

Like anywhere in North American in January, guess what most stores have done? Went directly to summer!

So, today.... out I run. I just pray and hope and plead with the "camping gods" that there will be some winter stuff left!!!

Now, I can't substitute this stuff... he HAS to have it. Otherwise he won't be able to go camping and I'll be the worse mom in the world.

Camp. Not only do I have the stress of sending him off an hour from home with complete strangers, I now can stress over long
underwear. Honestly. There better be a badge for the mom's coming. Let's see, I figure I should get these badges...

The sewing badge. Cause really -- have you sewed badges onto a sleeve of a shirt??? Really... I had to sew like 6! I cried the whole time. Not to mention the sewing of little badges onto the sash.

The colour matching badge Because all the badges come in different colours. I had to take these badges to a sewing store and very carefully, match thread to badge. O.k.. I will share this badge with my 11 year old, who I took with me and helped tremendously with this.

The shopping badge - because there is always "something" that I need to buy.

The nutritional badge - because my son eats junk at his weekly meetings. And I feel like an ogre trying to make up for it the day before and after.

The bravery badge - because soon, I will have to say goodbye to my son who is going away with very qualified strangers for a few days. And it will be the LONGEST weekend of my life.

and last but not least...

The idiot badge - because I wouldn't be stressing now, if I had not lost the supply list a month ago.... heck, if I READ the supply list a month ago, I would have seen what was required.

And I guess my son deserves this badge:

The neurotic mother badge - cause he has had to deal with my neurotic-ness . Poor kid.

Packing for camp is
soooooooo much easier in the Summer. And more enjoyable too, as I'm going camping too!

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