Friday, January 16, 2009

Procrastination gets you no where

Yeah, once again procrastination reared it's ugly head today. Today I was to meet with my guarantor for my passport. Today we'd put pen to paper and sign our lives away.

This morning, I decided I'd better get to filling out those papers. I finally cleared away the clutter of my space.. found the printer and plugged it in. I bid farewell to my husband and daughter who were off to go grocery shopping.

Then I tried to print. And lo and behold no ink.

And alas, the passports weren't going to be completed by 11:30a.m. No way, no how.

So, our lunch meeting is canceled. Next week it will happen.

I do vow, that today, I will get it done. Today those papers will be waiting for signatures -

I'll even put them some place safe. And I'll try to remember where I put them!!!

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